The aim of BQT is to build a community and culture of Crypto Traders utilizing the Platform, helping the community and benefiting from the community. 

P2P Exchanges carry one unique advantage — People deal with People. It provides unmatched flexibility in decentralized trading environment.

Ability to negotiate trades with people directly, rate and share their trading experience delivers upmost trustful and competitive trading edge. That is a precise reason more traders are shifting towards P2P brokerage type exchanges.

Market of today’s traders demands even more flexibility and creativity of the P2P trades, as well as, deeper social interaction between traders and possibility of hedging various crypto assets against each other.

BQT Exchange Platform provides secure, interactive and flexible P2P Trading Environment and user-friendly interface for its community to manage various types of transactions consisting of many crypto assets.

BQT platform allows traders globally to negotiate their Crypto Asset trades directly interacting with each other and sharing their experience with the community.

To leverage holdings of various Crypto Assets, BQT introducing the revolutionary Hedge Trades system. Unlike Margins and Futures Trading, BQT Hedge Trade system is a flexible method for Traders of acquiring Crypto Assets for a short-term period by means of escrow of their existing Crypto holdings.

This revolutionary approach allows Crypto Traders leverage their Crypto Holdings to acquire significant number of additional Crypto Assets they believe in without a need of a traditional margin trade.

BQT P2P Platform utilizes secure and decentralized benefits of the Blockchain delivering flexible functionality for Traders world-wide.

Every module and database is programmed using various methods of encryption and ensures confidentiality and protection for Traders. 2FA configuration is a required setting for every Trader Profile.

1 BQTX = $0.28
Allocated for ICO and Private Sale. Company will burn unsold tokens and use 30% of its exchange fees on buy-back program to quarterly acquire BQTX tokens from listed exchanges and burn those re-purchased tokens.

While many Blockchain experts are trying to find more ways to marry CRYPTO with FIAT, BQT Team believes in reducing dependency on FIAT altogether. Every Crypto Asset has its value and can be used as negotiating tool to acquire another Crypto Asset. We believe that Demand for desired acquisition of Crypto Assets can be fulfilled with significant Supply of various Crypto asset holdings and negotiated directly by trader peers. In addition, we believe market now demands for ability to hedge crypto assets for a short period of time to acquire other Crypto holdings. While it is difficult to implement margin trades and options in the true P2P environment, BQT Team developed innovative and yet more powerful tool to allow traders generate short term Hedge Trades. The aim of BQT is to build a community and culture of Crypto Traders utilizing the Platform, helping the community and benefiting from the community.

For more information :
Telegram :

Bitcointalk username: norainlys

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